Ancient Dragon Slot Machine – Professional Level Flutter Android Game
Ancient Dragon is a 5-reel and three-row professional level slot machine game for Android devices. The game is designed to be easy to play, with simple rules and intuitive gameplay. With its stunning graphics and engaging sound effects, Ancient Dragon is sure to provide hours of entertainment for players of all ages. This 5-reel, 10-payline
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</style><title>Ancient Dragon Slot Machine – Professional Level Flutter Android Game</title>
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Ancient Dragon is a 5-reel and three-row professional level slot machine game for Android devices. The game is designed to be easy to play, with simple rules and intuitive gameplay. With its stunning graphics and engaging sound effects, Ancient Dragon is sure to provide hours of entertainment for players of all ages.
This 5-reel, 10-payline slot features Chinese symbols such as the Chinese Lanterns, the folding fans, Bonsai, Gold Dragon, and the common poker card values. The Wild symbol substitutes for all other symbols.
It runs on all Android devices from Android 5 (2014) to Android 14 (2023).
Eventually it can run on older devices too, but since Google Play services have stopped supporting Android versions below API level 21 we have chosen to adapt to these requirements.
This is not a simple script; it’s actually an entire application. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on external products, such as Contruct 3, to make it work. You do not have to pay any royalties to the game engine, such as Unreal Engine. Here is all the code with no extra cost, and no royalties to pay.
It runs at 60 fps full screen on any device, and the high-definition graphics are automatically scaled for each screen size.
When you purchase Ancient Dragon, you’ll receive the full source code written in Flutter, as well as all game assets related to the game. This means that you can build an APK and put it on the Google Play Store to monetize your app. With the full source code, you’ll have complete control over the game, allowing you to customize it to your heart’s content.
Easy to reskin:
Every single piece of graphics is put in a separate file so you can replace just a single symbol or sound. Or you can replace them all to do a complete reskin.
- 5 Reel and 3 Row Slot Machine Game
- 10 Fixed Paylines
- Wild symbol
- High-definition graphics automatically scaled for each screen size.
- Background music and sounds
- Easy to Reskin
- Landscape orientation (forced)
- 60 FPS by design
- Flutter source code
- Works with the latest version of Flutter available
You can monetize it many ways. For example, you can integrate ADMOB to show some advertisement (INTERSTITIAL) and/or you can sell coins with in-app purchases (IAP).
What you Get:
- Prebuilt APK ready to be installed on your Android device
- Full source code written in Flutter (latest version)
- Graphics
- Background Music and Sounds
- Instructions on how to install Flutter on your Windows, macOS or Linux computer
- Instructions on how to compile the sources and create the APK file
- Instructions on how to run the game on your Android device
Instant Download:
All files are available for download one your payment is confirmed.
If you paid with PayPal or a credit card, it may take a few minutes for your download link to be sent to you.
Ancient Dragon Slot Machine – Professional Level Flutter Android Game$99by: SlotDevsmobile/flutter/full-applications
Ancient Dragon Slot Machine – Professional Level Flutter Android Game
I love add-ons, because they are magnificent.
full-applications 5-reel, android, app, chinese, flutter, game, machine, monetizable, professional, slot, slotdevs
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