EventON – WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin
WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin EventON Event Calendar for Wordpress is a beautifully crafted event calendar that presents events in a minimal clutter-free design. We take pride in designing EventON to stand up to latest design trends in the industry. EventON comes packed with 200+ useful features such as highly customizable repeating events, multiple event…
WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin
EventON Event Calendar for WordPress is a beautifully crafted event calendar that presents events in a minimal clutter-free design. We take pride in designing EventON to stand up to latest design trends in the industry.
EventON comes packed with 200+ useful features such as highly customizable repeating events, multiple event images, unlimited event creation, various calendar layout designs, event locations and organizers, and advance features like multi data types and language corresponding events and etc. All of this comes packed in the #1 best selling Event Calendar at codecanyon!
Exciting Features of EventON
- Supports single and multiple day events
- Create single day events
- Create events without end day or time
- Create all day events
- Duplicate events in wp-admin
- Exclude certain events from calendar
- Span events until end time while hiding end time
- Set event location image
- Set location by latitude longitude
- Save locations and re-use them for events
- Set event organizer contact information
- Save event organizer for re-using in events
- Learn more about the event link support
- Various options for how a user can interact with event
- Use universal time and date format through your website
- Schema SEO content support for calendar events
- Ability to auto archive past events
- Easily add custom CSS styles via eventON Settings
- Customize calendar month/year format
- Customize calendar date and time formats
- Ability to reset calendar appearance to default easily
- Ability to open eventCards on load
- Display upcoming events list by months
- Pre-set calendar event order ASC/DESC
- Show featured events above others in calendar
- Show calendar with only featured events
- Create calendars with featured images on list
- Dynamic “load more” pagination of events in the calendar
- Show calendar for certain fixed months
- Ability to set eventCard opening to act as accordion style
- RTL support – (right-to-left text)
- Show a limit number of events per month on the calendar
- Categorized events based on custom taxonomies
- Create calendars with only events from certain event categories
- Completely customize all the data on event rows in calendar
- Customize google maps interactive features such as mouse scroll, zoom etc.
- AJAX driven smooth month to month navigation
- Add calendar to your theme via shortcode or PHP template tag
- Integrated PayPal to accept payments for events
- Custom Language Text support and includes POT file for further customization
- Set events to show at random order
- Show events only for logged-in users
- Individual email to receive payments via paypal per event
- Make certain custom fields only visible to admin or logged-in users
- Prioritize month and year long events above others
- Add multiple images to an event
- EventON diagnose and environment via settings
- Auto set past events as complete
- Virtual event locations – 2.8.7
- Various Event status values – 2.8.7
- Event attendance mode online or physical – 2.8.7
- Edit event status field via quick edit and bulk edit functions – 2.8.9
- Ability to disable jquery mobile library from loading on page – 2.8.9
- Update event status via bulk edit for event posts – 2.8.9
- Gutenberg compatible shortcode generator – 2.8.10
- Integrated with zoom for creating meetings
- Happening now calendar view – 3.0
- Shortcode ux_val=3a open event cards as lightbox with content loaded via ajax – 3.0
- After virtual event end content to show at certain time – 3.0
- Option to apply tiemzone value to all the events – 3.0
- Local user time for events using moment.js – 3.0
- Option to hide GMT value on events – 3.0.2
- Interactive repeat event setup – 3.0.6
- Related events in order of event date – 3.0.8
- WP_Query methods to speed loading – 4.0
- hide_cancels=’yes’ hide all cancelled events – 4.0
- virtual event filters for filtering events – 4.0
3rd Party Integrations
- Font Awesome
- Google maps API
- Google fonts API
- moment.js
- Elementor Widget
- Gutenberg Block with EventON Shortcode Generator
- Woocommerce
- Zoom API
- Paypal Basic
- handlebars.js
Change log
= 4.0.2 (2021-11-11) = ADDED: ability to set default eventtop_style for calendars via settings ADDED: related events to be sortable and draggable ADDED: support for dynamic values for custom meta data for event ADDED: 3:1 event card row for event card designer FIXED: archieve pages showing events as white all FIXED: eventon settings menu access to non admin roles using manage_eventon FIXED: tiles with 4 in a row responsiveness FIXED: featured image as direct image not showing extra images FIXED: live now calendar not loading with featured images FIXED: smaller screen content cut off FIXED: JS evo_append_lb() function to support CAL value and set lightbox color FIXED: eventon Settings zoom tooltip thanks @OvereatersAnonymous FIXED: recursive_sanitize_array_fields() sanitation thank you @jamiolee FIXED: lightbox event countdown timer not active FIXED: lightbox eventtop color not syncing with rest of the calendar FIXED: cancel event text not showing on non list events FIXED: event card cell responsiveness FIXED: quick edit to hide event time for month/year long events FIXED: in mobile screen event data box content to spread evenly UPDATED: Lightbox close button to stay sticky on top while scroll = 4.0.1 (2021-10-13) = ADDED: eventtop_style='4' clean eventtop with gaps ADDED: legacy tile detail under image with clean style using tile_style='2' FIXED: learn more link showing without a link FIXED: Responsive styles and various other style conflicts FIXED: single event box styles FIXED: undefined function EVO_Error() caught via wordpress FIXED: Live now calendar responsive issues FIXED: PHP8 compatibility = 4.0 (2021-10-7) = ADDED: shortcode hide_cancels=yes to hide all cancel events from calendar events ADDED: view_switcher to allow switching between different calendar views quickly using view_switcher='yes' - addons required ADDED: event card designer via Settings ADDED: Event image and color for related events in new bigger layout ADDED: support to hide various parts of eventtop via shortcode hide_et_dn, hide_et_tags, hide_et_tl, hide_et_extra ADDED: support for showing only certain parts of an event using [add_single_eventon event_parts='yes'] ADDED: virtual events filter for event filtering ADDED: event type filter for event filtering ADDED: event attendance mode option for event edit settings ADDED: settings option to hide below eventtop tags ADDED: Option to select event query method via Settings > WP EventON Core Settings ADDED: new event health field Vaccination Required ADDED: new eventtop date design style via eventtop_date_style='1' ADDED: Schedule View as part of eventON ADDED: pluggable filter eventon_event_title_editbtn for edit button on eventtop ADDED: Ability to select single event eventtop style via settings > Single Events ADDED: Event location coordinates generation via wp_remote_get ADDED: Generate location coordinates button FIXED: event type widget not working correct FIXED: past and future event text translation error UPDATED: calendar filtering function for post_tags specific only to events to show UPDATED: Live now calendar styles and layout with show_et_ft_img='yes' UPDATED: tiles event details below design and layout refresh UPDATED: cancelled events display style UPDATED: Shortcode generator layout and styles UPDATED: EventON Settings page styles and layout UPDATED: Handlebar.js library to latest 4.7.7 version UPDATED: Moved most of ajde library to EVO_Settings() and EVO()->elements IMPORTANT: default calendar eventtop style to colorful eventtop with gaps = 3.1.7 (2021-7-27) = ADDED: option to disable csv export all events formatting chracters ADDED: shortcode option to hide happening now events only FIXED: paypal third party button supporting currencies FIXED: widget arrow positions FIXED: several settings related translation strings missing FIXED: event type widget not saving correctly FIXED: compatibility with wordpress 5.8 FIXED: live now events with featured image styling FIXED: widget live now icon styles FIXED: taxonomy archive page styles formatting issues FIXED: tooltips to use global object using elements UPDATED: event edit page UI styles = 3.1.6 (2021-5-20) = FIXED: organizer page social links not working FIXED: ux_val 4a loading event card content FIXED: event time remaining calculated incorrectly FIXED: location page layout issue FIXED: schema information not showing in event FIXED: add to google calendar only link not working FIXED: EVO()->elements->print_date_time_selector() date_format_hidden field not working UPDATED: eventon_ics_download input sanitation = 3.1.5 (2021-4-16) ADDED: option to disable event URL encoding in social share items FIXED: further all day event issues on ICS file FIXED: event bubble styles for event lists FIXED: Cal date range fixed month and year value format to int FIXED: email not sending issue using evo_helper send_email() FIXED: default image not showing on some rare cases = 3.1.4 (2021-4-8) = ADDED: option to set custom email character type encoding method via settings FIXED: all day events correction for ICS file FIXED: email encoding changes causing errors on emails = 3.1.3 (2021-4-6) = ADDED: basic text area field as custom meta field for event data FIXED: minor style changes FIXED: year long events not showing correctly FIXED: repeat events set for sunday not working FIXED: health guidelines not showing when shows after virtual info FIXED: add to google calendar not working FIXED: add to calendar not working and time corrections FIXED: default event image not working = 3.1.2 (2021-3-10) = FIXED: repeating events from future showing in wrong months FIXED: get_event_time() not using utcoff FIXED: widget styles changes = 3.1.1 (2021-3-15) = ADDED: option to disable jitsi external API from loading ADDED: website time on event edit page ADDED: utc offset time method (Beta) FIXED: minor styles updates FIXED: duplicate language string editing issue FIXED: day/days for happening now calendar and live time remaining FIXED: jitsi external api loading on wp-admin pages FIXED: open location link in new window showing as input field FIXED: link passed as multi data field convert to clickable link FIXED: month nav arrow hover color not working FIXED: virtual event access box styles for responsiveness FIXED: virtual live showing sooner than it should be FIXED: live now and other current time validations to use UTC offset event times universally FIXED: stop running initial ajax call if ajax loading calendars are not in page FIXED: widget arrow styles FIXED: single repeat event header month correction = 3.1 (2021-2-18) = ADDED: zoom meeting with meeting authentication ability ADDED: social media links support for event organizer ADDED: pluggable filter for ics download for an event ADDED: jitsi complete integration for virtual events ADDED: moderator role selection option for virtual events ADDED: all language strings duplicates to be updated when editing duplites ADDED: event starting shortly notice for virtual events 30 minutes before FIXED: live now bar showing NAN for days FIXED: repeat events skipping certain months on monthly generator FIXED: _convert_ssl_url() for urls without protocol FIXED: colorpicker to have unique class FIXED: undefined class error evo_admin() FIXED: search showing same events multiple times FIXED: event details ul ol formatting FIXED: live bar layout issues on tile FIXED: post event content display issues UPDATED: color scheme for over all plugin backend UPDATED: virtual events access section on eventcard < == Complete changelog can be found at http://docs.myeventon.com/documentations/eventon-changelog/ ==>
EventON – WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin
This is one beautiful module.
calendars booking, calendar, event blocks, event calendar, event lists, event photos, event tickets, google maps, Live Events, paid events, repeating events, rsvp, tile calendar, virtual events, zoom
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